
<天命真女合唱團 / 絕對玩美 冠軍精選+新曲 (CD+DVD)>

告別歌壇 為世界玩美 最後一次
*精選6張專輯空前絕後最出色力作,收錄9首冠軍、5首Top 10及3首新歌共17首超正點精選,解散單飛最後玩美出擊!
*亞洲限定獨家收錄S.H.E.爆紅代表作「戀人未滿」玩味原曲"Brown Eyes"!

盡情把玩流行 放肆玩弄美感
*新曲包括金獎製作人大衛佛斯特完美打造"Stand Up For Love" (2005麥當勞世界兒童日主題曲)、碧昂絲主演新片「粉紅豹」主題曲"Check On It",劃下完美驚嘆!


天命真女合唱團的3位嬌娃—碧昂絲、凱莉蘿蘭與蜜雪兒威廉斯,她們不僅是傲然出眾的女子樂團的成員,她們個個更是可以獨當一面的女藝人。天命真女自97年起大展動感女力,她們以"Bills, Bills, Bills"、"Say My Name"、"Independent Women Part 1"、"Bootylicious"等4首單曲在全美流行單曲榜上奪冠封后,並同時以"No, No, No Part 2"、"Jumpin’, Jumpin’"、"Survivor"、"Emotion"、"Lose My Breath"、"Soldier"等6首單曲打進TOP10,歷年所發表的6張專輯中也產生了3張全美TOP5專輯,其中的「The Writing’s On The Wall」、「Survivor」這2張專輯更在全球創造超過1000萬張的銷售紀錄。音樂獎上,她們總計抱走了12座靈魂列車獎、10座Billboard音樂獎、6座世界音樂獎、3座葛萊美獎、3座全美音樂獎、2座MTV音樂錄影帶大獎與1座全英音樂獎。

2002年起,蜜雪兒威廉斯、凱莉蘿蘭、碧昂絲分別在歌唱與演藝事業上擴張屬於自己的人氣版圖。蜜雪兒搶先出擊,她嚐試灌錄了2張福音專輯,在福音專輯榜上開出冠軍、季軍的好成績,並在2003年底登上百老匯舞台,擔綱「阿伊達」一劇的女主角。2002年夏季,凱莉與嘻哈歌手尼力深情對唱的情歌"Dilemma"蟬連流行單曲榜10週冠軍,同年底豋場的首張個人專輯「Simply Deep」也演出了空降英國金榜冠軍的氣勢。碧昂絲選擇先搶進好萊塢,2002年夏季與麥克麥爾斯合演的無厘頭喜劇片「王牌大賤諜3-夠Man吧!」創造了全球2億8000多萬美金的驚人票房,隔年夏季則是以冠軍大碟「Dangerously In Love」以及冠軍單曲"Crazy In Love"席捲全球樂壇,同時也成為新一代的性感時尚寵兒,2004年的葛萊美獎上更是獨拿了5座大獎。

2005年6月11號,天命真女合唱團在巴塞隆納的演唱會中正式宣佈他們即將告別屬於天命真女的燦爛歲月,3位團員即將分道揚鑣,迎接個人在娛樂事業中的全新挑戰。這群締創了全球超過6000萬張專輯銷售的嬌娃在2005年10月底以精選大碟【#1’s】向樂迷說聲再見,精選大碟中匯整了天命真女征戰樂壇9年的耀眼成就,其中包括了"Bills, Bills, Bills"、"Say My Name"、"Independent Women Part 1"、"Bootylicious"以及"No, No, No Part
2"、"Jumpin’,Jumpin’"、"Survivor"、"Emotion"、"Lose My Breath"、"Soldier"等膾炙人口暢銷單曲。精選大碟同時收錄了3首年度新作,其中包括了葛萊美獎製作人大衛佛斯特與碧昂絲合寫的2005年麥當勞世界兒童日慈善活動的主題曲"Stand Up For Love"、碧昂絲主演新片「粉紅豹」的主題曲"Check On It"跟動人情歌"Feel The Same Way I Do"。亞洲版獨家收錄S.H.E翻唱成"戀人未滿"的原曲"Brown Eyes"。 

Check On It 攻陷你   天命真女

You need to stop playing round with all them clowns and the wangstas

Good girls gotta get down with them gangstas

Go head girl put some back and some neck up on it

While I stand up in the background and check up on it

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

you come over check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

If you got it flaunt it, boy I know you want it

While I turn around you watch me check up on it

Oohhh you watchin me shake it, I see it in ya face

Ya can't take it, it's blazin, you watch me in amazement

You can look at it, as long as you don't grab it

If you don't go braggin, I might let you have it

You think that I'm teasin, but I ain't got no reason

I'm sure that I can please you, but first I gotta read you

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

I can tell you wanna taste it, but I'm gone make you chase it

You got to be patient, I like my men patient

More patience, you take might get you in more places

You can't be abrasive, have to know to pace it

If I let you get up on it, you gotta make a promise

That you gone put it on me, like no ones put it on me

Don't bore me, just show me, all men talk but don't please

I can be a tease, but I really wanna please you

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twoirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

I'm checking on you boo, do what chu do

And while dance I'ma glance at this beautiful view

I'm keep my hands in my pants, I need to glue em w/ glue

I'm in a trance all eyes on you and your crew

Me and my mans don't dance, but to feel ya'll bump and grind

It won't hurt if you gone try one time

They all hot, but let me see this ones mine

Its slim thug and DC outta H town

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight

Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see

Won't you come over and check up on it, I'm gone let you work up on it

Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it

Dip it, pop it, twirk it, stop it, check on me tonight



去吧美眉 瞧個仔細


帥哥 看來你對目標很感興趣



姊妹們 讓他試試身手




有什麼招數 儘管炫耀






你受不了 太火熱了





















別讓我無聊 努力就是了




我正在魅惑你 你做你想做的




我欣喜若狂 全神貫注目丁著你

我哥兒們不跳舞 但知道你們全都在性感熱舞


她們都超辣 但這個是我的

我們是H-Town的Slim Thugga和DC

    創作者 sw5587 的頭像


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